Monthly Archives: August 2009

When Less is More

Ever since my pressure canner arrived last week, I’ve been canning like it’s my job!  I. LOVE. IT.  I’ve done tomatoes, peaches, green beans, 3 batches of peach jam, and now tomato soup.  Actually, the soup is in there now, which is why I am still awake!  I have an hour to go, so I figured I would pop in here and share with you all my *sweet* new love.

Seriously, sucanat is AWESOME.  It is the Bomb!!  Tonight I made a batch of spiced peach jam and instead of regular sugar, I subbed sucanat.  It turned out amazing, even better than my regular jams.  Aside from its uber sweetened organic tastiness, I only had to use 1-1/3 cups as opposed to 5-1/2 cups!  Score.  I am hooked and making the switch!


Filed under Chatter

Catching Up

I am finally starting to get caught up with my garden.  Well, it is more like my garden is finally starting to slow down.  The end of the growing season is rapidly approaching and it is very bitter-sweet.  Gardening is meditation for me.  I spend hours upon hours lost in thought in my veggie paradise.

I still have a few spring crops to replant, and many of my veggies are still going strong, but I can tell the end is near.  This past weekend I ripped out my dead sunflowers and corn stalks, as well as a row of beans.  I FINALLY got my broccoli to sprout and my peas have emerged from the ground.  Limas are about ready to be picked, and I think I may have seen the last of my zucchini, YAY!  I picked most of my butternut squash tonight, and have about 75% of the weeding done.  I should have everything up to par for pictures in the next few days!

Tonight I had a new experience that I would like to share with you.  A slug somehow managed to move, at lightning speed, and wedged it’s self between my garden flip-flop and my bare heel.  As soon as my foot made contact, grossness ensued!  That was my que to call it a night!


Filed under The Critters


It’s here!  It’s here!  It’s here!  It’s here!  It’s here!  It’s here!  It’s heeeeerrrrrreeeeee!!!

I placed my order yesterday and was given an ETA of Friday.  I just got confirmation it was delivered at 1:17 pm, TODAY!!!  Less than 24 hours from to my front door!  What is it you ask that has me bursting with excitement?  Why it is my new 23 qt pressure canner!!!

Seriously, I have not been this excited since finding out I get paid vacation time!  Yes folks, it’s the little things in life that make me so happy.  I am so stoked to go home and get to work!  My garden is in need of some serious TLC!  I vended the Philly Folk Festival last Thursday through Sunday, and since I had so much sewing to do I banned myself from going out into my garden.  Yesterday was the first day I spent some time within the wire walls of my dirt haven in 8 long days!  I was instantly overwhelmed by all that needed to be done!  Unfortunately, I was chased out by a rapidly approaching thunder-storm, but I did manage to roast and freeze 2 pans of beets, pull out my old garden beans, along with the spring mix that had bolted.

My sweet sister Jaime from The Backporch Boutique is sending me a new salsa recipe and I can’t wait to make it tonight.  I also have plans to can peaches and make more jam this weekend!  Seriously, I am about to bubble over with excitement!!!

Content copyright © 2009 Danielle R Limoge.

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Wordless Wednesday – Ruby Red Corn

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Wordless Wednesday – Sunflower

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